How to Add Contacts

A guide for Medical Reps on how to add new contacts in RDC

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Written by Mission-Control
Updated over a week ago

Medical Reps will receive a notification on their tablets that RDC has been activated. 

Please note that NO USERNAME & PASSWORD is required to sign into RDC.

All you have to do is open REVO app and then RDC app. The integration will happen automatically. 

You will be able to view the list assigned to you by your district manager. 

You can begin adding, updating, and removing contacts to adjust your list.

How to ADD a new Contact in RDC?

An accurate CRM list is the foundation of accurate analytics.

Revo unlike any other software will make sure your CRM is 100% accurate through RDC.

How do you ask?

The main CRM list shared by SFE  Manager(SalesForce Effectiveness) will be shared with Medical Reps for verification. 

Yes, you as a Sales Rep will be responsible for the accuracy of your lists.

You will have the option to request Adding, Removing, and Editing the HCP on your list. 

In this article, we will discuss how to add a new contact in RDC.

How to Add a New Contact:

By clicking on the Request Add button on the top right side of RDC interface:

You will be directed to the below interface, where you can input all the information required to create a new contact:

To add a contact you will need to fill out the following: 

Account Type: 

Individual - Specific Doctor 

Medical Institute - Hospital

Followed by the Name, Speciality, and impact (Class) of a doctor.

Finally, you will be asked to enter the workplace. you have the option to enter more than one address for the same doctor. 

Once you have filled out all the information required. You click on the submit button and wait for your Manager & SFE Manager approval. 

Please refer to the Request list to get an update on the status of your request. 

RDC - ADD Process:

First, you need to keep in mind that as a Medical Rep you can Request to Add an HCP or a medical Institution at any time.

However, whether the HCP will be reflected on your list depends on the approval of both your Manager and SFE Manager.

The ADD request made will be shared with your direct manager for approval Through RDC - Manager.

If the update request gets Denied, you will not have the contact in your list.

If it gets approved, it will be sent to the SFE Manager.

If it gets approved, by SFE Manager.DCH (DYNAMIC CONTACT HUB) and eventually will get reflected in your list and the Master Contact list.

Below is a diagram of the RDC - ADD process:

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