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Empowering E-Detailing with TAGs

Empowering eDetail aids with Multi-Tags for Marketing Team

Mohamed avatar
Written by Mohamed
Updated over a week ago

What are Tags? 

Tags allow you to transform your E-Detail aid into an interactive one and categorize slides to enhance detailing.

How is that helpful?

In many instances, we are rushed through a call because of the HCPs tight schedule and back-to-back patients.

Tags will give you the option to choose the topics without the hassle of having to skim through the detail aid in search of the slides.

** Multiple tags per slide could be applied.

How can I add Tags to my Detail Aid?

Tags are all about grouping slides.
Marketers will need to categorize the slides based on their topics.
On a new word document file. Enter the number of the slide followed by tag.

Slide 1 ---> Story
Slide 2 - 4 --> Efficacy, Compliance
Slide 5 - 8 ---> Dosage
Slide 5 ----> Packaging
Slide 9 ----> References

How will the Tags look like on Revo?

Pro Tips:

1- Use Tags to provide a specific detailing flow for a certain specialty.
2- Use Tags to provide a specific detailing flow for patient case
3- Name Tags to help Reps quickly identify the purpose and respond faster to the dialogue with physicians.

For more information please contact Revo Support for help.

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